Get Hooked on Health & Healing.
Find what fires you up with one month of unlimited classes for $49.
What’s holding you back from working out? Maybe it’s nagging injuries or your mind telling you you’re not good enough. It’s Boring Or is it just that there’s never enough time in your day?
We get it, we’ve been there.
You don’t need a dozen gym memberships to get the results you’re after – just one program that works.
We’ve created the most effective fitness prescription. Whether it’s hot yoga, mobility, or strength training, our classes intentionally pair the therapeutic properties of heat with the most effective training techniques, so you can see the most change in your mind and body in your one-hour workout window.
We know you’re going to feel amazing once you walk through our doors. That’s why we’ve got the perfect way for you to test out everything we have to offer. For $49, you can try all of our modalities for one month and see how each class works together to help you achieve a total transformation.
Why should you give Blaze a try?
Our classes are customized to help you build a well-rounded body that’s good at everything: fitness, strength, agility, balance, mobility and more.
Our hot rooms with great music are a sweaty good time (plus the heat helps make flexibility easier, burns more calories, and increases health benefits)
You join a supportive community of people who will push you to your potential — who wants to work out alone, anyway? That’s no fun!

Yes! Heat plays a powerful role in healing your body and mind so we incorporate it into all our class styles. (It’s actually one of our core values!)
Absolutely. Our instructors meet you where you’re at, whether you’re an exercise enthusiast or a novice. In fact, it’s one of the things we take pride in— a college athlete training in the off season can get as much out of the same class as my 78-year old dad recovering from his hip replacement surgery.
Our classes are designed to complement each other so you can find the perfect balance of strength, flexibility, mobility to move you toward your personal goals. -
We’re glad you asked! We know the human body was designed for all types of movement. To stay healthy and agile, you need strength, mobility, agility, power, speed, and more. That’s why we provide a range of strength training, endurance, flow, and stretching group classes that allows you to build a comprehensive workout plan to meet your needs. Try HIIT fitness, Kinstretch mobility classes, weightlifting, Flow Yoga, therapeutic Hatha Yoga, heavy strength training, Fusion, and much more!
Bring a yoga mat, a large towel, and plenty of water with you. Don’t have something? No worries! Anything you could need is available for rent or purchase at the studio.